Anti-Electrostatic Sampling Rope
?>Merek :BRT
produk asal :China
waktu pengiriman :In 7 days after payment
kapasitas pasokan :10000 meter / month
Anti-Electrostatic Sampling Rope Liquid Petroleum Products, Safety Specification for Petroleum of Sampling and Temperature Measurement Rope, Lab Oil Sampling Cans Rope
harus dihukum. Salah satu ujung tali pengambilan sampel dilengkapi dengan port ground saat dikirim, dan ujung lainnya harus terhubung dengan kuat dengan sampler saat digunakan. Tidak dapat menggunakan ungrounded, dan titik bumi tidak harus memiliki isolasi seperti cat.
(1) Nilai resistansi Tali Pengambilan Sampel Anti-tatic dikontrol secara ketat dalam rentang aman yang disyaratkan oleh standar nasional.
(2) Terbuat dari serat konduktif, tidak berubah warna, umur panjang.(3) Untuk membantu pengguna untuk secara langsung membaca kedalaman tenggelam dari sampler, ia dapat menyesuaikan tali pengambilan sampel anti-statis dengan tanda skala tembaga.>(4) Sebelum meninggalkan pabrik, setiap Tali Sampling Anti-statis diuji oleh departemen kontrol kualitas kami, dan nilai resistansi ditandai.>catatan:
Untuk membantu pengguna membaca kedalaman sampler dalam tangki, kami dapat menyesuaikan tali pengambilan sampel anti-statis dengan tanda indikator tembaga, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah ini.
Tali Pengambilan Sampel Anti-Elektrostatik
Tali Sampel Anti-Korosif
To avoid electrostatic accidents,With technical support of China National Petroleum corporation electrostatic monitoring center and China Petrochemical corporation Safety engineering scientific research institution ,we develop Anti-static Rope of Sampling, temperature measurement and Water Quality Monitoring used in petrochemical based on GB 12158 and SY/T 7355-2017.
Obtained national patent in 2011(Patent no. ZL2011 2 0107936.6).
It is suitable for Sampling, Temperature Measurement and Water Quality Monitoring of liquid petroleum products in petrochemical industry. The Anti-static Sampling Rope must be grounded. One end of the sampling rope is provided with a ground port when it is delivered, and the other end should be firmly connected with the sampler when it is used. Can not use ungrounded, and the earth point shall not have insulation such as paint.
(1)The resistance value of the Anti-tatic Sampling Rope is strictly controlled within the safe range required by the national standard.
(2)Made of conductive fiber, non - discoloring, long service life.
(3)To help the user to directly read the sinking depth of sampler, it is able to customize the anti-static sampling rope with copper scale mark.
(4)Before leaving the factory, every Anti-static Sampling Rope is tested by our quality control department, and the resistance value is marked.
In order to help user to read out the depth of the sampler in tank, we can customize the anti-static sampling rope with the copper indicator mark, as shown in the figure below.